Essential oils for babies


Essential oils are best for babies and mostly practised today since it has a lot of health benefits for the babies. Some common health problems on the babies are easily solved by these essential oils. With these essential oils babies get relief of sleeping problems, colds, coughs, rashes, etc.

When treating essential oils on babies and toddlers, it's better to dilute one to 2 drops of pure essential oils with ½ to one teaspoon of jojoba, sweet almond oil or sunflower oil oil. These are just a few ideas for oils to use to mix with the pure essential oils. The oils can be used in the bath tub. Stir the water before bathing. When bathing your baby just add a few drops of essential oils. Try installing an oil diffuser that perfumes the surrounding air. Also, you may also give your baby frequent massages which is possibly the best way to provide aromatherapy. Please note you should never apply essential oils to the skin. Always dilute them in carrier oil such as almond or jojoba.

There are certain volatile oil that should not be applied, or to be used even with a diffuser to children who are sick or recently had illness, because some of them are very strong oils and are known to be extremely dangerous for both adults and children. There are certain oils that should never be used in aromatherapy. It is therefore very important to check on the warnings and precautions on the labels before using them. Volatile oil that should never be used anytime by adults and children alike are the essential oils from the following: Acorus calamus, American wormseed and mugwort, Amygdalus communis amara or bitter almond, Anise, Bay laurel, Birch, Basil, Black pepper, Bay, Cedarwood, Clary sage, Clove, Cinnamon, Citronella, Dwarf juniper, Horseradish root, Lovage, Lemon, Marjoram, Myrrh, Nutmeg, Oregano, Peppermint, Rosemary, Ruta graveolens or rue, Sassafras oil, Scented fern, Sweet fennel, Sage, Thyme, Wormwood.

Babies and small young children have a huge possibility of being allergic to different kinds of foods. Some volatile oils are likely to cause unpleasant effects. This is why parents should be extra careful when choosing essential oils in aromatherapy for their children. A lot of essential oils that are being used these days have only mild level of toxicity and are considered safe for adults. However, they still may not be safe for your children because their immunity system is still young and not yet fully developed. Therefore, you should make sure that you are using the safe ones.

Some of the safer essential oils are tea tree and lavender, but you will still need some intense care before using them. If you notice that your child feels uncomfortable or irritated with the smell of a certain volatile oil, stop using that oil at once and do not use it again because you baby might be allergic to it. If your child does not like the smell of a certain essential oil, it also has a great potential to be not the right oil for him or her. Therefore, parents should find time to try searching for a safer alternative for that essential oil.

Most important is to keep them out of the children's reach. If it is ever ingested, give the child an oil-soluble liquid such as milk, cream or half and half. A few drops of shouldn't be life threatening, but it is wise to take precautions. If you are using essential oils while your baby is still bread feeding, make sure that you do not apply any amount of essential oil on or near your nipples. If you do, your baby has a huge tendency to ingest it and can cause him harm.

If your baby has colic just combine 2 tablespoons of Almond with one drop Chamomile (Roman), one drop of Lavender, & one drop of Geranium. Mix together & apply on the stomach & back. Keep the stomach warm with a warm water bottle while burping the baby. This will often bring relief. If your baby has cold just combine two tablespoons almond with two drops Melaleuca (tea Tree), one Lemon, one Rose Otto. Massage a small amount on the neck & chest. If they have cradle Cap mix 2 tablespoons almond & one drop Lemon & one drop Geranium. You can also mix one drop Cedarwood & one drop of Sandalwood. Mix & apply small amount on the head. When your baby is crying,  try to use for massage or diffuse the Lavender, Chamomile (Roman), Ylang Ylang, Cypress or Rose Otto. If your baby has diaper rash try to dilute Lavender & apply. Lastly, for digestion, (Sluggish) Use Lemon or Orange. Dilute & massage on the feet & stomach.

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